Screen time for kids: screen time and language development- impacts on early language development & creating a screen time schedule 

Screen time for kids: screen time and language development- impacts on early language development & creating a screen time schedule 

Raising our littles in our increasingly tech-saturated world brings with it another set of challenges that can be tricky to navigate. This is a tough subject to address and to write about because the truth is, there are mixed messages…

A guide to creating a Speech Therapy Visual Schedule (plus a speech therapy schedule freebie)
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A guide to creating a Speech Therapy Visual Schedule (plus a speech therapy schedule freebie)

Does anyone else’s head spin when they think about creating their speech therapy visual schedule for the year? I don’t know about you but I have deduced that speech therapy scheduling is pretty close to rocket science on the confusion…

Routine Series Part 2: Splish Splash Language Learning: Enhancing Communication Skills During Bath Time

Routine Series Part 2: Splish Splash Language Learning: Enhancing Communication Skills During Bath Time

In our last blog post, we talked all about what routine-based therapy is and how it can be super helpful for your little (and for you, too!). If you haven’t had a chance to check that one out, head over…

Routine Series Part 3: Laundry and Language: Language Strategies to Boost Communication While Doing Laundry

Routine Series Part 3: Laundry and Language: Language Strategies to Boost Communication While Doing Laundry

Quick reminders: Please remember to keep your little away from anything not intended for children (refer to product manuals for guidance) and refer to manufacturers guide for safety precautions for any toys/activities recommended. Please see our full disclaimers here. T In…

Routine-Based Series Part 4: Incorporating language strategies…while brushing your teeth!

Routine-Based Series Part 4: Incorporating language strategies…while brushing your teeth!

In the last few posts, we have talked all about routine-based language learning experiences and why they are so great (hint, they help us to incorporate language strategies and promote language learning for our littles with the things that we…